Part 8: The Art of Prompt Engineering in MarTech

Mastering prompt engineering, especially in the MarTech, world cannot be emphasized enough. As we saw in almost all of my previous articles, prompting is always involved and needed. We need it for the Copilot, for preparation of the AI Builder or of course for Typeface as in part 7. And many more. Prompt Engineering goes beyond just the skill; it acts as a strategic tool that enables marketers to create detailed, practical, and highly personalized strategies. The capacity to utilize these tools proficiently is emerging as a crucial distinguishing factor among professionals.

In this article I would like to give you some insights on prompting. Also I will give you a short guideline how to build a good prompt that really helps you when working with Copilot in Customer Insights. Further I collected some use cases when to use prompting and last but not least I tell you some of my often used prompt. Have fun!

What is prompt engineering?

Prompting is how to ask the AI to do something for you. Prompt Engineering means crafting precise prompts to ensure AI comprehends and responds accurately to inquiries. This skill is more and more important also for digital marketing, where AI becomes a integral part. Especially when using the Copilot finetuning the prompts will make campaign and content creation more efficent and accurate.

Types of prompts in AI-driven Marketing

  1. Chain of Thought (CoT) Prompts: These prompts are guiding the AI through a step-by-step reasoning process, it is useful for complex tasks requiring the AI to demonstrate its thought process.
  2. Tree of Thoughts (ToT) Prompts: These prompts are creative cues or stimuli designed to inspire imaginative and reflective thinking, often used in activities such as brainstorming or creative writing. ToT enables language models to self-evaluate and progress through a problem systematically, often combined with search algorithms like breadth-first and depth-first search for thorough exploration.
  3. Goal-Oriented Prompts: These prompts are designed to achieve a specific outcome or response from the AI.
  4. Exploratory Prompts: These prompts allow the AI to explore a topic more broadly and generate diverse responses.
  5. Creative Prompts: These prompts encourage the AI to generate unique and creative content.

Crafting Effective Prompts for Marketing

When writing prompts for marketing, it’s essential to align them with your marketing goals and target audience. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Clear Goal: Clearly outline what you want the AI to do. For example, if you want the AI to generate social media copy for a product launch, specify that in your prompt.
  2. Specificity: Provide as much detail as possible to guide the AI’s response. Include information such as the target audience, key message, tone, and any specific keywords or phrases you want to include.
  3. Context: Explain why you need the AI’s help and who will be involved in using the output. This could include information about your company, industry trends, competitor analysis, or upcoming marketing campaigns.
  4. Source: Specify which information sources or samples the AI should use to generate the response. This could include existing marketing materials, customer feedback, competitor analysis, or industry reports.
  5. Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations for the AI’s response. This could include desired word count, formatting requirements, tone of voice, or any specific calls to action you want to include.

Some further tips:

  • Start fresh: Begin each new task with a clean slate by typing “new topic” to avoid any carryover from previous prompts.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases or keywords in quotation marks to indicate to the AI that they should be included, modified, or replaced in the response.
  • Quality Control: Review the AI’s responses carefully to ensure accuracy, coherence, and relevance. Edit and refine the content as needed to meet your quality standards before using it in your marketing campaigns.
  • Refine your prompt: ChatGPT and Copilot have the option to edit your prompt. Use it to find the perfect prompt that helps you the most.

There is a great guideline from Microsoft for prompting with the Copilot. I highly recommend you to check it out (Link).

Prompt Engineering guide for martech

Prompt Engineering in MarTech and Marketing Automation

Prompt engineering in MarTech can be a game-changer in marketing automation. Here’s how:

  1. Content Creation: AI can generate blog posts, social media updates, and ad copy, reducing the manual effort and time required.
  2. Personalization: AI can tailor content based on user behavior and preferences, enhancing customer experience.
  3. SEO Optimization: AI can generate SEO-friendly content, improving website visibility and traffic.
  4. Automated Email Campaigns: Generate email subject lines, body content, and calls-to-action based on user data and segmentation for tailored campaigns.
  5. Dynamic Website Content: Adjust website content dynamically based on visitor behavior and attributes, including personalized product recommendations and targeted messaging.
  6. Predictive Analytics for Campaign Optimization: Utilize prompt-driven predictive analytics to forecast campaign performance and recommend optimization strategies.
  7. Chatbot Interactions: Generate contextually relevant responses and recommendations for personalized conversations with website visitors.
  8. Content Creation and Curation: Generate content ideas, headlines, and outlines based on audience

Example Prompts:

I use ChatGPT and Copilot a lot every day. Here are some prompts i regularly use for my blog or daily work.

  1. I want you to act as my social media manager for my blog. I need you to create a post for my current blog article. Write the post for me including the relevant hashtags and use emojis. Write posts specifically for LinkedIn. My target audience is [companies/professionals interested in my brand product or services].
  2. Act as a SEO expert and write a meta description for the following blog post : “[blog article]”. Use the following keywords: “[Keyword1, keyword2, keyword3]”. Use maximum 150 characters including spaces.
  3. Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here]. Use a persuasive and intriguing tone.
  4. I am creating a landing page about [insert detail]. The goal of the landing page is to [insert a goal]. Below is a description of the product and the target audience. Generate high-converting copy for the website: [Share details]
  5. Analyze and improve the following content to make it more creative. Use an [Select tone style] tone and write in a casual and conversational style. β€œ[Your content goes here]”

Which prompts do you use often?


In the 90 Days Mentoring Challenge Mark Smith suggested to prompt at least 5 times a day, to get used to it and to also improve the skill. I really like that idea and started doing so.

As you can see prompt engineering for MarTech is not just about technical skills. The key to effective prompt engineering lies in understanding your marketing goals, knowing your audience, and continuously refining your prompts based on performance. And then, implementing prompt engineering practically can lead to more precise and effective marketing campaigns. Looking ahead, the significance of prompting in MarTech will most likely expand.

This is the last article of my MarTech March / AIpril series. In the future I will probably explore the field of MarTech and AI even more. So stay tuned. But until then, I hope you enjoyed the little series! I look forward to your feedback πŸ™‚

References: Marketing: A Guide to Prompt Engineering | by Adam M. Victor | Author | A.I. Ethics | π€πˆ 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐀𝐬.𝐒𝐨 | Medium, CMS Wire, AI Art Prompting Guide | Microsoft Bing, Prompt-ingredients-one-pager.pdf (

***Please be aware: The content is accurate at the time of creation. It may be that Microsoft has made changes in the meantime.***

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